Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Love/Hate Relationship...

I’ve said it before (see previous post Run for a Reason) and I’ll say it again…I hate running.

I’ve always admired people who seem to run with ease. Cross country runners and long distance runners who appear to run effortlessly fascinate me.

I am just not one of those people.

Fact #1:
I’m not a pretty runner. I don’t have good form and I don’t make it look easy. I don’t set out on a run and lose track of time or distance. I count down the minutes until I am done and then I make ugly faces while I try to catch my breath afterwards.

Fact #2:
Despite Fact #1, five to six times a week I go outside and I run. It’s not enjoyable to run outside in Arizona during the Summer…anyone who says otherwise is sugar coating it for you.

But even I can admit that there are things about running that I have come to love:

People watching:  
There’s no better way to get a feel for your neighbors than to run past them each day of the week at different times of day. You learn quickly who the friendlies are and where the grouches reside. You notice that the lady down the street goes outside at the same time every morning to work on her rose bushes and garden (the prettiest on the block). You realize that the keyboard colored cat that creeps around your house at night and seems to always be on the prowl, spends its days lazily snoozing on the grass under a tree nearby. And there’s nothing more fun than seeing people’s reactions to the girl crazy enough to run in 100+ degree weather.

Weight Loss: 
I’m not sure there’s anything that needs to be explained here. Most people run or workout with this goal in mind…and while it’s not guaranteed it is a lovely side effect if you’re playing your cards right. Side note: I have seen some people write the following statement or even wear this statement “I eat so that I can run”. That’s cute. What’s that like? Let’s be honest: I run so that I can eat….and eat and eat and eat.

If you ask my sister, Courtney, she will tell you that running without music is lovely and peaceful. I on the other hand love to use my running time as a time to listen to new music, stupid music…and really any music to distract me from the fact that I’m running. It’s a fun challenge to find just the right song to motivate me or to provide the perfect soundtrack for the day.

I have to include this…have you seen the adorable workout clothes they have out right meow? Fun/cute clothes and shoes are always a win in my book.

And last but certainly not least –

Running for a Cause: 
I love when there is an opportunity to change lives, do good or to be part of something that benefits others. It just so happens that running and fundraising for good causes seem to go hand in hand. What better motivator could I ask for? Up until now I have pretty successfully avoided most races (Pat’s Run being the only recent exception) because the thought of committing to a long distance run with a multitude of sweaty strangers sounds less than appealing. But I have come to realize that I do my best when I have a goal to work towards and I feel my best when it’s a goal that benefits others.

So I bit the bullet and found another race that would force me to continue my running while also doing some good for others: Run 10 Feed 10

FEED Foundation raises funds to feed children around the globe. You have likely seen their merchandise in stores that allows you to purchase items that in turn provide funds to this cause. The Run 10 Feed 10 works like this: On October 4th I will be running a 10k race (alongside my lovely sister). My participation in this race will provide 10 meals for those going hungry in local and surrounding communities. Any additional funds that are the result of my fundraising efforts will go towards feeding our community at an even larger scale. Win-Win.

So as I continue to search for the “love” that so many seem to have found for running…I will find joy in the fact that I can do some good while I’m out there.

If you’re interested in donating to the FEED 10 race I have included a link to my fundraising page below. 

Still Full of Reason – Still Running for a Reason.

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