Sunday, November 18, 2012

Wrapped in Love...

Giving gifts is absolutely one of my favorite parts of Christmas. I especially love giving gifts that give back to others. Unfortunately, it’s not likely that I will do all of my shopping on these websites and it’s not likely that you will either.

But…I’ve got great news! Not only can you purchase gifts for those that you love but you can show love to orphaned and impoverished children all over the world through Love Without Boundaries at the same time.

If you’re planning on doing some shopping on, first go to and scroll down until you see the Amazon logo on the bottom left of the page. Click the logo to enter Amazon's website, do your shopping, and Love Without Boundaries will get a minimum of 4% cash back on all of your Amazon purchases to help children in need. 
Win – Win.
Gift giving wrapped in Love.

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