Thursday, November 8, 2012


This blog has always been a place where I come to discuss inspiration, hope and reasons to get involved.

As I sat at my computer this evening wasting time on some of my favorite shopping websites, I happened to notice that one shop noted that they are partnered with Love146. I had never heard of this organization so I decided to head over to their website to see what it is all about.
A couple of things…
-          If you’re anything like me…you will tear up when you read the history, the stories and the statistics on their website…have a Kleenex close by.

-          Child slavery and sex trafficking is something we hear about all of the time but sometimes the concept slips out of reality for us because we’re only exposed to it on television shows and movies…we pretend it’s made up because the reality is too devastating to dwell on.
I’m not going to relay all of the information that I gleaned from the website or paraphrase the stories…you should go read them. It’s been a little awhile since I have felt so moved by an organization’s cause, story and purpose.
Read all about it here…
Multi-task here (Christmas Shopping and Supporting an Amazing Cause? Yes please!)…
What if #146 was your daughter…son …sister…brother…niece…nephew…the possibilities are endless and the results…devastating.


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