Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Sharing Stories…and Clothes?

I rarely run into so many interesting companies in one week that I feel compelled to write this often but it’s just one of those rare weeks I suppose. It would seem that the continuing theme this week is going to be all about giving…

I took some time during my lunch break today to glance through Instagram and noticed that I had a new request to be “followed” by P1124. Being naturally curious about who it is before I am inclined to accept, I began exploring their website.

Here’s what you should know:

1) I’m a sucker for a company that promotes positivity, change and especially those that give back to others.

2) I’m also a sucker for cute clothes.

And once you read about P1124 and then take a look at their product line you will see why I was motivated to write about their company.

The concept is simple: You buy a shirt/sweatshirt from P1124 and you write your name on it. Their clothes display all kinds of positive messages from “Share” to “Today is a Good Day” and their designs are clean and simple. You purchase and wear your rad new P1124 clothing item and look for the opportunity to pass it along to someone else who needs it more than you. Maybe you see someone on the streets that is in need of another layer, a friend who could use the pick me up…etc. You give them your sweatshirt, tell them to write their name on it and instruct them to pass it on when they encounter someone who needs it more than they do.

Icing on the cake? Give your sweatshirt away (that you purchased not that you received from someone else), share the story with P1124 and they will replace your sweatshirt/shirt. Hello win win. They do this once for each sweatshirt/shirt you purchase (this is not an unlimited supply of new clothes…though that would be awesome).

During a time when media seems to want to glorify the hoarder (I cringe just thinking about that show) instead of focusing on acts of kindness and generosity; it’s refreshing to see that companies like P1124 encourage people to realize how great giving can feel.  

Take a minute to check out their website http://p1124.com/ and consider supporting a company that’s encouraging a movement of sharing...not only clothing but stories.

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