Friday, June 3, 2011

Full of Reason

F.O.R...Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

This year my uncle's life ended. As family and friends swam through the sea of grief, shock, anger and sadness in the weeks following; I found myself more and more focused on struggle and depression.

The world seems to be full of stories about people who lose hope, never had it or decide death is easier than life. Depression is dark and it seems to embrace us quite easily and quickly.

These days there seem to be more villains than heroes and more tragedies than happy endings. From earth quakes and tornados to shootings, we are surrounded by opportunities to give into depression.

I found myself questioning how we all get through each day.
What or who do we rely on?
My answer... Reason.
My life is full of reasons to live: God, People, Moments, Opportunities, Challenges...

How do I get through every day?
All of these reasons. They fill my life with purpose, hope and a daily reminder of what I am here for.

: a rational ground or motive <a good reason to act soon

: the thing that makes some fact intelligible

to justify or support with reasons
Reason... In both the noun and verb form is appropriate when it comes to depression and the daily trials of life.

This site is dedicated to the reasons we live and the opportunities that we have to be someone else’s reason.
Let's be the reason someone chooses life.

Be full of reason.
Choose to reason.

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