Wednesday, November 16, 2011

11 minutes…

It takes me 11 minutes to walk Jax, 10 minutes to shower, 9 minutes to run a mile, 8 minutes to decide on dinner, 7 minutes to get out of bed, 6 minutes to make my husband breakfast, 5 minutes to talk myself out of a purchase, 4 minutes to write an email, 3 minutes to make the perfect cup of coffee, 2 minutes to argue that I'm right and just 1 minute to realize that I'm wrong.

I try to take time out of each day to listen to new music and read articles and blogs online. I find that most days that I’m guided to a song or a story that I needed to encounter to put things into perspective (my favorite word).

Recently I read the tragic and overwhelming story of Olivianna after listening to a JJ Heller song that seemed too sincere not to be inspired by real life sorrow. I have waited some time to write about it…mostly because my eyes were swollen after reading the story that I couldn’t focus enough on the computer to write. Instead I jotted a few quick notes down after reading and decided a new day and fresh eyes would do this post better justice.  

At 23 weeks pregnant, Olivianna’s parents received the devastating news that their baby girl had a fetal defect called a Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH). The news only got worse once they realized that no surgery or assistance could be given to their daughter and that ultimately she would likely be born only to die moments later. Olivianna’s parents spent the remainder of the days before her arrival on a roller coaster ride of grief, prayer, sorrow and hope.
Olivianna Grace only graced the world for 11 minutes.
Her parents were able to love on her as much as they could during that time and cherished every moment they had with that baby girl. I can’t imagine the devastation that followed from seeing such a sweet face fade away.
I often find that stories like these bring thoughts and revelations that I had never considered before… this story did not inspire any new ideas but rather reinforced one that is easy to neglect:
Life is precious, time is a gift and we should embrace every moment of it.
Live, Love and Learn with Faith.
As we rapidly approach Thanksgiving, I cannot think of a better story to really remind us to be thankful for the blessings in our lives.
I’m not going to share every detail of Olivianna’s story with you…I’ll let you decide if you want to read more. If you have a tendency to cry while watching Hallmark commercials or reading greeting cards…you’ll probably want to grab some tissues first.
Read about this beautiful little girl and her parents struggle and journey through faith and sorrow here:
Or start from the very beginning of the journey here:
The song that led me to the story:


Monday, October 17, 2011

October: Pink is the new Orange...

It’s October…one of my favorite months for so many reasons… cooler weather, the husband’s birthday, Halloween movies/candy and the month when the NFL dons hot pink for a cause.

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and I’m willing to bet that you’d be hard pressed to find someone who hasn’t been affected by this disease whether personal or through someone that they know/love.
Unfortunately, I was not in Phoenix for the annual Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure this year. This is sad because I didn’t raise any money for a cause that I love to support and because I really could have used the exercise! Luckily, there are a multitude of creative ways that one can support and donate to this cause outside of marathons and races.
Interested in doing some innovative fundraising for the cause?
Check out the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc for plenty of ideas:
Are you a survivor with a flair for writing and some words of wisdom you’d like to share? Head over to  to share your story, insight or encouragement with others.
Perhaps you are a big fan of shopping online and items that are pink? (You’re not alone)
Well then the options are endless…many retailers and designers come up with items in honor of Breast Cancer awareness month where the proceeds go towards cancer research/support.
Here are some of my favorites so far:,en_US,pd.html  - a cute tote and 100% of proceeds goes to charity. - okay some men aren’t comfortable rocking pink so sport this funny t-shirt instead. – they call it “pink power”. I think I’ll call it “pale pink polish with purpose” and 100% of proceeds go to charity. Cardinals + Raising $ for Breast Cancer Awareness = Greatness.

Oh and as if you needed more reasons to love the Cardinal’s Larry Fitzgerald: Fitzgerald will be donating $10,000 for every touchdown and $1,000 for every reception he has in October. The donations will go to organizations working to end breast cancer and to support breast cancer survivors. So cheer him on as he donates money towards an amazing cause and earns my Fantasy Football Team more points…it’s a win-win.
And for those who have said that October has gotten too “pink” and commercialized… there’s simply no such thing as “too much” when you’re helping others. So whether you click on a donation link or buy something pink…let’s keep raising money for breast cancer awareness research and support.
Be full of reason.
Choose to reason.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Walk Away...

“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” -Andy Warhol -

Well Andy was right… and here is a great opportunity to help change someone else’s life. My lovely sister Courtney and her family are participating in the Walk to Defeat ALS in October. They are walking in honor of their friend, Gary, who was recently diagnosed with ALS.
Don’t know what ALS is? I didn’t know too much about it either. Read more about it here:
Luckily, I have not personally known anyone who has been diagnosed with this disease but it doesn’t make the cause any less important.
Here are the best parts:
1) Your donation goes towards a cause that will make a difference in the lives of those dealing with ALS.
2) You don’t have to do any of the walking to raise the money…Courtney does. Bonus!
3) You’re not waiting until someone you love is affected by this disease to help…you’re impacting lives today.

For more information about ALS and a totally inspirational story head here:
P.S. Christmas is coming up…need a rad gift that gives to those you love as well as ALS? Head here:

Be full of reason.
Choose to reason.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Full of Question...

It seems that regardless of circumstance we all look back at what we have done, forward to what we will do and ultimately whether any of it is right.

I often find myself truly frustrated when I can't figure out the answers that I'm searching for and I'm being too stubborn to really listen for them.

Luckily, I stumbled into some words of wisdom in a letter from the book Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke:

"Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the question now. Perhaps then, some day far in the future, you will gradually without even noticing it, live your way into the answer."

Leave it to a simple letter to turn a girl Full of Question back to Full of Reason.

Be full of reason.
Choose to reason.

Monday, July 25, 2011

I get by with a little help from my friends...

Oh how I love an opportunity to quote The Beatles…

St Ranger just happens to be a local Arizona band which also happens to include my talented cousin Jake.
I’ll be honest and admit that today was the very first time that I’ve listened to their music but better late than never right?
The point of this site is to embrace opportunities to enhance and impact someone else’s life. So here’s a great chance to help a talented, local band go on tour/record while also earning access to some of the band’s tunes and merchandise (depending on how much you donate).
If you dig the sounds of Wilco or Modest Mouse – that’s who they remind me most of – then you may be a fan of St Ranger as well.
Check out a video of theirs here:
Help support the band here:
And if you don’t have a couple of bucks to donate then just take some time to show them some love on their website , Facebook or send them a message on Twitter!/StRangerArizona to let them know you think they are pretty rad.

Be full of reason.
Choose to reason.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Just another typical slow work morning when I decided to use my lunch break to surf the internet. I happened to stumble into an article about a 15 year old girl who created a blog for her family and friends that includes her recently created "Bucket List". Alice has terminal cancer and decided that this would be a fun way to reach out to those she cares about while she continues her battle.

Alice has only posted a few times but she seems to have a positive attitude and great spirit. I'm looking forward to following her blog to read about all of her adventures as she continues on her journey. It's really inspiring to see someone so optimistic with such a devastating situation constantly looming in their life.

I've added Alice's blog to this site but you can also view it by clicking the link below:

Friday, June 3, 2011

Full of Reason

F.O.R...Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

This year my uncle's life ended. As family and friends swam through the sea of grief, shock, anger and sadness in the weeks following; I found myself more and more focused on struggle and depression.

The world seems to be full of stories about people who lose hope, never had it or decide death is easier than life. Depression is dark and it seems to embrace us quite easily and quickly.

These days there seem to be more villains than heroes and more tragedies than happy endings. From earth quakes and tornados to shootings, we are surrounded by opportunities to give into depression.

I found myself questioning how we all get through each day.
What or who do we rely on?
My answer... Reason.
My life is full of reasons to live: God, People, Moments, Opportunities, Challenges...

How do I get through every day?
All of these reasons. They fill my life with purpose, hope and a daily reminder of what I am here for.

: a rational ground or motive <a good reason to act soon

: the thing that makes some fact intelligible

to justify or support with reasons
Reason... In both the noun and verb form is appropriate when it comes to depression and the daily trials of life.

This site is dedicated to the reasons we live and the opportunities that we have to be someone else’s reason.
Let's be the reason someone chooses life.

Be full of reason.
Choose to reason.