Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Full of Dreams...

I sometimes write letters on my blogs to my husband, my family and others. Because I have had so many random thoughts circling my brain that I want to remember and because I no longer keep a personal journal, today’s letter is addressed to me… so that I have a written reminder of these contemplations:

Dear Elyse,
Embrace a season of change but never lose sight of the road traveled along the way. Those bumps and ditches that seem to slow you down, to dishearten you, that force you to struggle harder…they are more than just hurdles; they are reminders that you are alive. Do not allow them to pull your focus, your positivity or faith. Instead wear the dirt and scars from that bumpy road with pride…they are evidence of how far you’ve come.  
It is beautiful to have goals and hopes…it is okay to focus on these things, to strive for them, to dream of them and to pursue them with fervor. So often goals seem to be these amazing gifts that are wrapped tightly in obstacles, challenges and setbacks…and that is why we frequently leave our dreams untouched. Big or small…they are yours…embrace them, share them and let them grow as you grow.
On my first day at a job, the trainer said to me, “Don’t be afraid. There’s nothing you can do in there that we can’t undo, fix or figure out…you’re going to do great.”
I like to think that God would offer similar advice as we navigate our lives.
Keep that in mind.