Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I Have Hope...and I'm not afraid to use it.

The Invisible Children campaign is an organization that I have supported and admired for some time now. Their website link does not ever leave the recommendations section of this page because it’s an issue that is always important.  If you have never checked out their site, go to the right hand side of this blog under “Be Someone’s Reason” for the link.
Today it seems that the Facebook world has lit up with people posting the Kony 2012 film and spreading the message to as many of their friends and family as possible. I can think of no better way to utilize a social networking site and it inspired me to sit down and watch the film too.
Watch the film here (it’s worth your time):

Here’s what you need to know –
Your voice matters.
These “invisible” children need us to be their voice and hope.
Recognize the problem…spread their story…make it known…make it important…make Kony’s name/face/history so recognizable that the problem cannot be ignored and he has nowhere left to hide.
It is so easy to brush off problems that aren’t directly affecting us…to say that someone else will take care of it eventually. But this is a problem that can only be solved by utilizing power in numbers.
Let’s make this issue THE issue of 2012 and bring more than just hope to those children and families who are suffering.
Read more about Kony 2012 and get involved here:
Make purchases to support the cause here:
