Wednesday, February 1, 2012

30 Hour Famine

Since I have never participated in a Famine event before I thought it would be best to periodically jot things down throughout the experience.

The Famine began officially at midnight of the 29th and went until 6am of the 31st. I was allowed to have liquids only during this time.

7:30am: I’m not hungry yet which is strange since I’m typically ready to eat a small city by the time I sit down to work.
10:30am: Hungry but not bad. I had a combo of orange juice and milk (which always grosses my husband out) that seemed to help around breakfast time.
2:00pm: I’m pretty hungry now. Coffee and Crystal Lite are not very filling. This is a good experience…a lesson in reality and appreciation.
3:30pm: It’s the end of my work day and I’m tired with a slight headache but still truckin’…
7:30am: Much to my surprise, I’m not hungry yet. It was a long evening of being hungry but God blessed me with a full night of sound sleep. I weighed in when this started just to see if there would be much impact and I am 4.5 pounds lighter this morning. I cannot imagine a child losing that much weight in a day because they don’t have food.
This was definitely a learning experience for me. One that I think I need to make a tradition if possible. I appreciated getting just a tiny glimpse into what people around the world are dealing with every day. I feel blessed to have been part of an event that seeks to end this issue.
Thank you again to everyone who donated.
Every $30 raised helps feed and care for a child for a month and together we raised $330!
