Sunday, January 1, 2012

God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice...

“God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied.”
- Matthew 5:6 -

It’s been a little while since I have posted but for a good reason…I’ve been working on an idea that I am more than a little excited about.
It’s a new year and what do we all think about when we start a new year? Resolutions? Changes? Hopes? Goals? Typically, I don’t tend to make New Year’s resolutions. 1. I don’t often keep them. 2. I don’t like the idea that I’m resolving to change just because a year has ended.

So while I won’t be resolving to quit drinking coffee (that’s just crazy) or going to the gym more (yeah right), I will be working on a fundraising project that I stumbled into a couple of months ago.
A random day in November found me perusing some of my favorite charity and fundraising sites to see what kind of unique items they were offering and what new opportunities they were presenting.
One of my favorites? World Vision. World Vision is an organization that helps people and their communities recover from disaster, address current issues and promote growth.  
Ironically, it was during a lunch break that I came across their 30 Hour Famine website. As I made my way through the site I encountered a multitude of staggering facts about hunger and the devastating impact it’s having on people around the world. You can imagine that reading a fact like, “A child dies from hunger-related causes every 8 to 12 seconds” caused me to look at the lunch I was eating that afternoon a bit differently. It’s truly devastating to reflect upon how many lives are lost due to a lack of food.
So after some additional research and correspondence with the organization, I arranged to have my first 30 Hour Famine event. The event will take place 1/30/12 - 1/31/12. I will fast for 30 hours and others will have the opportunity to sponsor my involvement in the event with a donation. Every $30 raised will help feed and care for a child for a month.
I’m really excited to have this opportunity to gain perspective, increase awareness and raise money for this cause.
If you’d like to make a donation towards this cause and event you can visit my personal page here:
If you’re interested in participating in the actual 30 Hour Famine event as part of my team, you can do so by clicking on the “Join ELYSE’s Team” Link at .
It's time to start a new annual tradition... a new way to bring in the new year... a 30 Hour Famine.