Wednesday, November 16, 2011

11 minutes…

It takes me 11 minutes to walk Jax, 10 minutes to shower, 9 minutes to run a mile, 8 minutes to decide on dinner, 7 minutes to get out of bed, 6 minutes to make my husband breakfast, 5 minutes to talk myself out of a purchase, 4 minutes to write an email, 3 minutes to make the perfect cup of coffee, 2 minutes to argue that I'm right and just 1 minute to realize that I'm wrong.

I try to take time out of each day to listen to new music and read articles and blogs online. I find that most days that I’m guided to a song or a story that I needed to encounter to put things into perspective (my favorite word).

Recently I read the tragic and overwhelming story of Olivianna after listening to a JJ Heller song that seemed too sincere not to be inspired by real life sorrow. I have waited some time to write about it…mostly because my eyes were swollen after reading the story that I couldn’t focus enough on the computer to write. Instead I jotted a few quick notes down after reading and decided a new day and fresh eyes would do this post better justice.  

At 23 weeks pregnant, Olivianna’s parents received the devastating news that their baby girl had a fetal defect called a Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH). The news only got worse once they realized that no surgery or assistance could be given to their daughter and that ultimately she would likely be born only to die moments later. Olivianna’s parents spent the remainder of the days before her arrival on a roller coaster ride of grief, prayer, sorrow and hope.
Olivianna Grace only graced the world for 11 minutes.
Her parents were able to love on her as much as they could during that time and cherished every moment they had with that baby girl. I can’t imagine the devastation that followed from seeing such a sweet face fade away.
I often find that stories like these bring thoughts and revelations that I had never considered before… this story did not inspire any new ideas but rather reinforced one that is easy to neglect:
Life is precious, time is a gift and we should embrace every moment of it.
Live, Love and Learn with Faith.
As we rapidly approach Thanksgiving, I cannot think of a better story to really remind us to be thankful for the blessings in our lives.
I’m not going to share every detail of Olivianna’s story with you…I’ll let you decide if you want to read more. If you have a tendency to cry while watching Hallmark commercials or reading greeting cards…you’ll probably want to grab some tissues first.
Read about this beautiful little girl and her parents struggle and journey through faith and sorrow here:
Or start from the very beginning of the journey here:
The song that led me to the story:
