Monday, July 25, 2011

I get by with a little help from my friends...

Oh how I love an opportunity to quote The Beatles…

St Ranger just happens to be a local Arizona band which also happens to include my talented cousin Jake.
I’ll be honest and admit that today was the very first time that I’ve listened to their music but better late than never right?
The point of this site is to embrace opportunities to enhance and impact someone else’s life. So here’s a great chance to help a talented, local band go on tour/record while also earning access to some of the band’s tunes and merchandise (depending on how much you donate).
If you dig the sounds of Wilco or Modest Mouse – that’s who they remind me most of – then you may be a fan of St Ranger as well.
Check out a video of theirs here:
Help support the band here:
And if you don’t have a couple of bucks to donate then just take some time to show them some love on their website , Facebook or send them a message on Twitter!/StRangerArizona to let them know you think they are pretty rad.

Be full of reason.
Choose to reason.